Saturday, January 29, 2011

Taupo Rendezvous

I figure everyone should have the experience of not being able to fit new socks into their budget right?
Poor, poor, smartwools.

After almost two weeks working at Monovale Organic Blueberry Farms and earning some money, it's time to hit the road in the morning for a minimum of two weeks of adventure. First stop: Tongariro National Park. Sign to Taupo made, beard trimmed, and socks patched, it's time to hit the road and leave the Gorilla Hut behind bright and early in the morning. I have a rendezvous with a fiddle toting girl from Montana and together we're going to finish off the North Island and take the ferry to the South. Wish me luck, things are about to get interesting.

Oh and I don't know how many lengthy posts will come in the next few weeks. I wouldn't count on many.

Go Bulls

1 comment:

  1. you came up in my reader and I didn't recognize you at first! Have fun, if I could send you socks I would!
    Your loving sister
